Cornerstone Cleaning
We don't cut corners, we clean them!

Cornerstone Cleaning specialized in assisting homeowners with ridding bedbugs from various areas in their homes. We service Halifax, Bedford, Sackville and many other areas of Halifax Regional Municipality.
Bed bugs are one of the most persistent problems to plague our homes. Bed bugs are challenging pests to get rid of, since they hide so well and reproduce so quickly. Removing bed bugs in your home is no easy task as they hide in all sorts of places such as mattress seams, sheets, furniture, behind baseboards, electrical outlet plates and picture frames. Once you hire a professional to exterminate, you will be given a long list of tasks to do to prepare for extermination. The task can seem overwhelming as it involves vigorously vacuuming all surfaces in the affected area, including, beds, baseboards, inside drawers, night tables, couches and closets just to name a few places.
One of the biggest misconceptions about bed bugs is that infestations are limited to the bed. For this reason, many people throw their bed(s) away believing that this will solve their problem. Unfortunately, discarding the mattress and the box spring rarely solves the problem and new beds that are purchased and brought into the home often become infested by bugs that were still present in the structure.
A vigorous clean-up is necessary to facilitate ridding your home of the infestation.
Cornerstone Cleaning will assist in the pre-extermination clean-up and can also assist in the weeks to follow as the clean-up continues. We will also assist in getting your family ready and organized to deal with living in an organized manner in the weeks to come as the clean-up continues.
We will arrive in an unmarked vehicle for your protection of privacy. As a smaller company we are quick to respond and will set your mind at ease that you are doing what you need to do to rid yourself of these pesky bugs.
Call our Bed Bug Specialist today for a free, no obligation quote.